Xiaomi has started buying print ads in India, the company’s Global Vice President Hugo Barra said Friday on his Twitter account.
In a country where people aren’t used to paying to watch television, Alibaba is planning to explore the paid-content market.
From left: Huang Youyi, former vice-president of CIPG; Zhang Qiyue, Chinese consul general in New York; BEA President Steven Rosato; Chinese Ambassador to the US Cui...
Internet giant Tecent tries to pull off something few have achieved in China: get people to pay for digital music.
This week, Hotel Asia Project presents the touring exhibition, Real Estate/Landscape at the Bangkok University Gallery (BUG), which opens on Friday, 12 June. In collaboration with...
Growth momentum in the world’s second largest economy remains fragile, with more stimulus policies needed to ensure it remains on track, economists say.
Chinese investment in Sri Lanka is causing major problems for Sri Lanka’s President Mathripala Sirisena and has become a point of tension in Sri Lanka–China relations.
Factory workers at Hanergy plants say work there hasn’t been impacted by the stock-market turmoil.
Joshua Wong, the teenage face of Hong Kong’s pro-democracy student movement, was refused entry to Malaysia where he was scheduled to attend a series of forums...