Developing Asia is expected to grow by 0.1% this year, the slowest rate since 1961 while Southeast Asia is expected to contract by 2.7%
According to one estimate, 420-580 million people worldwide could be pushed into poverty, with as much as 240 million of them living in the East Asia...
Twenty years after the Asian financial crisis of 1997–98 and the global financial crisis of 2007–08, storm clouds are gathering once again
An elderly man waits for medicine at a hospital counter in Thailand. Photo: Trinn Suwannapha/World Bank Thailand recently announced that it will put into action a...
The pace of economic development throughout developing East Asia has been unprecedented. Despite the effect of the 1997-98 financial crisis, poverty rates in the region have...
The green sukuk, or Islamic bond, is a big step forward to fill gaps in green financing. Proceeds are used to fund environmentally sustainable infrastructure projects...
Also available in English Tsetsen-Uul soum, Zavkhan province, Mongolia. Photo: Miles McKenna/World Bank Хүнсний аюулгүй байдлын зарчмын хувьд хүнсий сүлжээнд фермээс хоолны ширээ рүү хүрэх тухай...
Migrants represent 15% of Malaysia’s workforce, making the country home to the fourth largest number of migrants in the East Asia Pacific region. The migrant population...
More than 200 participants – including government officials, policymakers and education experts from over 20 countries gathered in Jakarta, Indonesia, for the global conference Learning for...