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Xi-Putin meeting: here’s what it says about their current, and future, relationship



Vladimir Putin may visit China on October 17 for the Belt and Road Initiative’s anniversary, potentially solidifying Russia’s junior partnership with China amidst changing global dynamics and weakened Russian influence.

Vladimir Putin is expected to travel outside the borders of the former Soviet Union for the first time in 20 months to meet China’s Xi Jinping on October 17. The visit, if it happens, is likely to entrench a relationship in which Russia has become a useful tool in a broader Chinese strategy to consolidate its influence in Europe and the Americas.

The occasion of Putin’s likely trip to Beijing is the tenth anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), an ambitious Chinese project to expand global trade routes with other nations and extend transport and infrastructure links.

To mark this event, China’s president, Xi Jinping, will host representatives from some 130 countries in Beijing on October 17 and 18.

Putin is likely to be the star guest. According to Russian sources in September, Putin accepted Xi’s invitation, although Beijing has refused to confirm this.

The two presidents would undoubtedly have lots to discuss. Since they announced their no-limits partnership in February 2022, just before Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the world has dramatically changed and keeps changing.

Instability has gripped the South Caucasus and the Middle East – both areas where Russia and China have interests at stake.

Yet their no-limits partnership has become a much more one-sided affair. Where Moscow and Beijing may once have coordinated their approaches, it is now likely that Russia aligns its policies to suit Chinese interests. The Ukraine war has weakened Russia and diminished its influence, at least for now, not only in the Middle East and the South Caucasus but also in central Asia. This has allowed China to become the dominant power there and cement its ties with the region.

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How China is increasing its influence in central Asia as part of global plans to offer an alternative to the west

Though now clearly a junior partner to Xi, Putin’s expected trip to Beijing still signals that Russia and China share a common agenda when it comes to ending a western-dominated international order and curtailing US and European influence in what both view as their zones of privileged interest across Eurasia.

Russia keeps emphasising alignment with China, not least because it has few other options except international pariah states such as North Korea and Iran.

Western sanctions against Russia in response to Moscow’s war against Ukraine have severely reduced trade along the New Eurasian Land Bridge (an overland rail link between China and Europe), once a major transport corridor for Chinese exports to European markets.

Instead, transport routes avoiding Russia have gained in importance, including the Middle Corridor linking China across central Asia, the Caspian Sea and the South Caucasus to the EU. This has also dented Russian hopes of closer integration between the BRI and Moscow’s post-Soviet economic integration initiative, the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).

While the fact that Putin received an invitation from Xi to come to Beijing is important, it is also noteworthy that this is not a purely bilateral affair. In contrast to Xi’s visit to Moscow in March 2023, Putin’s trip will at best offer the Russian president an opportunity for talks with Xi in the margins of a summit designed to celebrate the BRI, a project closely associated with Xi personally.

A cargo ship from countries related to the Belt and Road Initiative docked at Qingdao Port in Shandong province, China, on October 11 2023. China is holding a summit marking 10 years since the launch of the BRI.
Sipa US/Alamy

Also, China has, and pursues, other options in its foreign relations. There is still a possibility of a meeting between US president Joe Biden and Xi at the Apec summit in San Francisco in November. And the EU’s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, visited China, possibly to prepare of an EU-China summit later this year.

What Xi wants to achieve

None of this implies that Xi is about to drop Putin as an ally. The key question is how Xi will balance his support for Putin with his need to stabilise relations with the US and prevent large-scale European “de-risking” – limiting technology exports to China, scrutinising investment from China, and decreasing dependency on China-only supply chains – that would further limit the access to EU markets for Chinese goods, services and capital.

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Given the increasingly apparent conflict fatigue among Ukraine’s western partners and the likely benefits that Putin will reap from the current violent escalation in the Middle East, Xi is unlikely to disown Putin.

He may, however, see an opportunity to facilitate a settlement more on Russia’s terms than on Ukraine’s – a face-saving way out for Putin to claim victory that restores a modicum of stability across a region that remains crucial for the long-term success of the BRI and ultimately for China’s superpower aspirations.

If Xi were to pull this off, it would also cement China’s role in a future Euro-Atlantic and Euro-Asian security order.

While this would simultaneously turn Russia into a possible permanent second-order power in China’s shadow. It might also be Putin’s best hope of avoiding the humiliation of a never-ending war. That prospect, however, remains firmly on the cards, especially if China and the west maintain their current levels of support for Russia and Ukraine, respectively, which offers just enough for either side to avoid defeat.

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.


Opportunities in Trade, Investment, and Industry within China-Spain Relations



From September 8-11, 2024, Spanish Prime Minister Sánchez visited China, highlighting the importance of Sino-Spanish relations. Despite geopolitical tensions, the visit aimed to strengthen cooperation in trade, tourism, and investment, as both countries seek pragmatic, mutually beneficial ties.

From September 8 to 11, 2024, Spanish Prime Minister Sánchez made an official visit to China. This marked Sánchez’s second visit to China since March 2023.

The year 2024 is pivotal for Sino-Spanish relations. In 2023, China and Spain celebrated the 50th anniversary of their diplomatic relations. Looking ahead, 2025 will mark the 20th anniversary of their comprehensive strategic partnership. Amidst geopolitical tensions and uncertainties in China-EU trade relations, high-level diplomacy between China and Spain underscores the pragmatic, cooperative, and mutually beneficial nature of China-EU relations.

China and Spain established diplomatic relations in March 1973 and formed a comprehensive strategic partnership in November 2005.

Since Sánchez became Prime Minister of Spain, high-level communication between China and Spain has remained close. In November 2018, President Xi Jinping made a state visit to Spain. In March 2023, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Spain, Sánchez attended the opening ceremony of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference as Prime Minister of Spain and made a state visit to China. During his visit, Sánchez expressed his desire to deepen cooperation and strengthen bilateral relations with China. Both sides achieved a series of cooperative outcomes in areas such as trade, tourism, agriculture, culture, and education. In the second half of 2023, Spain, as the rotating presidency of the European Union, actively promoted China-EU exchanges and cooperation.

Spain is China’s fifth-largest trading partner within the EU, while China is Spain’s largest trading partner outside the EU. Additionally, the two countries have extensive and in-depth cooperation in the field of investment.

In recent years, China-EU relations, especially in trade, have experienced fluctuations. In 2023, the European Commission launched an anti-subsidy investigation into Chinese electric vehicles (EVs) and proposed punitive tariffs on them in July. In response, China initiated anti-dumping investigations on EU pork, brandy, and dairy products. The EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, warned that a trade war between the EU and China might be inevitable.

This article was first published by China Briefing , which is produced by Dezan Shira & Associates. The firm assists foreign investors throughout Asia from offices across the world, including in in ChinaHong KongVietnamSingapore, and India . Readers may write to for more support.

Read the rest of the original article.

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China’s Aspirations for Worldwide AI Governance



In the past year, China has outlined a vision for global AI governance, framed as proactive but revealing weaknesses. Initiatives emphasize cooperation, but documents like the Shanghai Declaration lack detail.

China’s Vision for Global AI Governance

In the past year, China has introduced various documents aimed at establishing a framework for global AI governance. These initiatives reflect China’s intention to influence the governance landscape in alignment with its political ideology. However, this focus on AI governance appears to be more reactive than proactive, largely driven by developments in Western technology and politics. As China’s strategies progress, fostering engagement with international institutions will be crucial for effective governance.

At the forefront of this effort was the World AI Conference held in Shanghai in July 2024, where global leaders engaged in discussions about cutting-edge technologies and cooperation in AI governance. This year’s conference marked a significant shift by prioritizing global AI governance issues. The Shanghai Declaration on Global AI Governance was introduced, emphasizing high-level principles of AI safety and inclusive cooperation, albeit lacking detailed actionable items.

Although the Shanghai Declaration and the broader Global AI Governance Initiative are somewhat vague, they reflect China’s advocacy for a UN-centered approach to AI and its positioning as a supporter of the Global South. With ambitions to become the world’s leading AI innovation center by 2030 and to shape international norms, China is positioning itself as a significant player in the global AI governance landscape.

Source : China’s ambitions for global AI governance

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US Drone Industry Shifts Focus to Taiwan, Moving Away from China | Business Matters (Sept. 20)



Arizona Supreme Court Allows 98,000 Without Confirmed Citizenship Documents to Vote

The U.S. is enhancing collaboration with Taiwan in drone manufacturing, aiming for reduced reliance on China, whose controlled industry poses national security threats, while discussions on future developments are set.

Strengthening U.S.-Taiwan Relations in Drone Manufacturing

The United States is enhancing its partnership with Taiwan in the drone manufacturing sector. This collaboration aims to reduce dependency on China for drone technology and components, which is deemed necessary for national security.

To facilitate this, representatives from U.S. drone and defense industries will convene in Taiwan. These discussions will center around future advancements in drone development, focusing on innovation and security without reliance on China.

China’s drone industry, heavily influenced by the Chinese Communist Party, poses significant risks, according to U.S. officials. By fostering stronger ties with Taiwan, the U.S. aims to establish a more secure supply chain for drone products and parts, countering China’s dominant position in the global market.

Source : US Drone Industry Shifting Toward Taiwan, Away From China | Business Matters (Sept. 20)

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