Хятад улсын махны эрэлт Монголд ямар нөлөөтэй вэ
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Хүнсний аюулгүй байдлын зарчмын хувьд хүнсий сүлжээнд фермээс хоолны ширээ рүү хүрэх тухай ойлголт мах, махан бүтээгдэхүүний хувьд тийм ч амаргүй байдаг. Таны ширээн дээрх шинэ мах хажуугийн фермээс эсвэл бүр дэлхийн нөгөө өнцгөөс онгоцоор 10,000 км-ийн зайг туулан ирсэн байх боломжтой. Хүйтэн тээвэрлэлтийн гинжин хэлхээ, логистик сайжирснаар махыг тээвэрлэхэд зарим тохиолдолд хэдэн долоо хоног шаардагддаг байсныг хэдэн цаг, эсвэл хэдхэн өдрийн дотор тээвэрлэх боломжтой болгосон. Бага болон дундаж орлоготой цөөн хэдэн орнуудын хувьд махны экспорт томоохон бизнес болоод байгаа билээ.
Монголын бэлчээрийн мал аж ахуйн баялаг түүх, малын тоо толгойн өсөлт, мөн дэлхийн томоохон зах зээлтэй газар зүйн хувьд ойрхон зэрэг нь Монголд малын махны экспортод чиглэсэн үнэ цэнийн сүлжээг хөгжүүлэх томоохон боломж байгааг илтгэдэг.
Өнөөгийн байдлаар мал аж ахуйн салбар 150,000 орчим малчин айл өрхүүдийн амьжиргааг залгуулж байна. Эдгээр өрхийн ихэнх нь нэн ядуу бүлэгт хамаарагдах бөгөөд өрийн дарамттай, ядуурлын онц нөлөөллүүдэд эмзэг байдаг. Монгол улс малын махны дэлхийн үнэ цэнийн сүлжээнд нэгдэснээр эдийн засгаа өсгөх, ажлын байр бий болгох, ялангуяа хөдөө орон нутагт ядуурлыг бууруулах шинэ боломжуудыг нээх бололцоотой.
Хурдтай өсч буй улс орнуудад дундаж давхарга нэмэгдэн, хоол хүнсний хэрэглээний хандлагууд өөрчлөгдөж байгааг бөгөөд үүнийг дагаад дэлхий дахинд шинэ бүтээгдэхүүн, шинэ нийлүүлэгчдийг эрэлхийлж байна. Нэг талаараа зах зээл ийнхүү өргөжсөнөөр худалдааны шинэ боломжууд үүсч байгаа ч давхар хүнсний аюулгүй байдлын шинэ эрсдэлийг бий болгон, дүрэм журмыг үр нөлөөтэй болгох, экспортлогчид…
China Limits Apple Operations as BYD Manufacturing Moves to India and Southeast Asia Amid Trade Frictions | International Business News – The Times of India
China is restricting the export of high-tech manufacturing equipment and personnel to India and Southeast Asia, aiming to maintain domestic production amid potential US tariffs, impacting companies like Foxconn and BYD.
China Curbs on High-Tech Manufacturing
China is intensifying restrictions on the movement of employees and specialized equipment essential for high-tech manufacturing in India and Southeast Asia. This measure aims to prevent companies from relocating production due to potential tariffs under the incoming US administration. Beijing has urged local governments to restrict technology transfers and export of manufacturing tools as part of this strategy.
Impact on Foxconn and Apple’s Strategy
Foxconn, Apple’s primary assembly partner, is facing challenges in sending staff and receiving equipment in India, which could impact production. Despite these hurdles, current manufacturing operations remain unaffected. The Chinese government insists it treats all nations equally while reinforcing its domestic production to mitigate job losses and retain foreign investments.
Broader Implications for India
Additionally, these restrictions affect electric vehicle and solar panel manufacturers in India, notably BYD and Waaree Energies. Although the measures are not explicitly targeting India, they complicate the business landscape. As foreign companies seek alternatives to China, these developments are likely to reshape manufacturing strategies amidst ongoing geopolitical tensions.
EFIS Maroc and China Eastern Airlines Set to Launch Service Between Morocco and China
China Eastern Airlines and EFIS Maroc will launch three weekly flights between Casablanca and Shanghai via Marseille starting January 19, 2025, enhancing cargo logistics for Morocco-China trade, particularly in the automotive sector.
New Flight Route Launch
China Eastern Airlines has partnered with EFIS Maroc to introduce three weekly flights between Casablanca (CMN) and Shanghai (PVG) via Marseille (MRS). This service is set to commence on January 19, 2025, operating on Tuesdays, Fridays, and Sundays, using Boeing 787-900 aircraft with a capacity of 18 tonnes for cargo.
Supporting the Automotive Industry
The service aims to enhance logistical support for the automotive sector, facilitating the secure and timely transport of high-value components between Morocco and China. This new route will not only strengthen local supply chains but also promote economic growth and trade relations between Africa and Asia.
Innovative Cargo Solutions
Jean Ceccaldi, CEO of ECS Group, emphasized that this collaboration marks a significant achievement for EFIS Maroc. Leveraging advanced digital tools like Squair for customs optimization and CargoAi for booking, EFIS Maroc will enhance operational efficiency, ensuring a superior cargo management solution tailored for China Eastern Airlines.
Source : EFIS Maroc and China Eastern Airlines to launch Morocco-China service
China Considers Selling TikTok US Operations to Musk as a Viable Option – Bloomberg
China is considering the sale of TikTok’s U.S. operations to Elon Musk as a potential option, according to a report by Bloomberg.
Potential Sale of TikTok to Elon Musk
Reports suggest that China is considering the sale of TikTok’s U.S. operations to Elon Musk as a viable option. This development follows ongoing scrutiny over the app’s data privacy practices and its links to the Chinese government. Officials believe that a sale could alleviate international concerns and preserve the platform’s presence in the U.S. market.
Strategic Implications
The potential transaction raises numerous strategic implications, not only for TikTok but also for Musk’s other ventures. If Musk were to acquire TikTok, it could enhance his digital footprint and provide new avenues for advertising and user engagement. Conversely, it could pose challenges in managing regulatory compliance and addressing data security issues.
Regulatory Hurdles Ahead
Despite the intriguing prospect of a sale, significant regulatory hurdles remain. Any acquisition would require approval from U.S. authorities, who continue to assess the risks associated with foreign ownership of tech companies. The outcome of these discussions could have widespread ramifications for both TikTok and the broader social media landscape.
Source : China Weighs Sale of TikTok US to Musk as a Possible Option – Bloomberg