A global “technology war” that will likely shape U.S. economic and national security well into the twenty-first century is emerging. Many technologies have become the focus...
The Apache continues to evolve in the twenty-first century. Early in the morning of January 17, 1991, eight sleek helicopters bristling with missiles swooped low over...
The U.S. military said recently that it is monitoring the Russian ship’s activities. One of Russia’s most advanced warships is sailing around in the Caribbean, but it’s...
Earlier this week China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Rocket Force most likely tested a DF-21D or DF-26 anti-ship ballistic missile—sometimes know as “carrier-killers”—in the South China Sea....
TASS, Russia’s leading state news agency, echoed Sputnik in noting that a number of J-20’s currently run on the AL-31F engine and that the J-20 shares...
The countries that once led the world toward economic openness are retreating into protectionism.
In the United States, it was assumed that nuclear weapons would be widely employed in future conflicts, rendering conventional land armies and fleets at sea irrelevant....
“The defense chief said he will soon make a formal request for the acquisition of the American aircraft,” according to a Philippine government news release. The...