Author: Elizabeth Ingleson, United States Studies Centre Another year of presidential campaigns, another round of China bashing. In the wake of China’s stock market crash in...
China’s leaders must follow through on delayed efforts to reform the economy, a European business group warned on Tuesday.
Authors: Shekhar Shah and Rajesh Chadha, NCAER India, the world’s third largest economy measured in purchasing-power parity terms, became a middle income country in 2007. It...
Author: Chung-In Moon, Yonsei University On the brink of a crisis that threatened to escalate into conflict, North and South Korea recently reached an agreement on...
Major ceremonial events offer prime opportunities for China watchers to do some tea-leaf reading. By that standard, Thursday’s military parade didn’t disappoint.
Author: Adam Triggs, ANU The G20 is often referred to as the world’s ‘steering committee’ and in less than five months China will be firmly behind...
It’s the US vs the UK Replacing the United Kingdom for the first time as the top spot for Asian outbound property investment, the United States...
For many in Beijing, the upcoming World War II victory parade means a loss of business.