Author: Chung-In Moon, Yonsei University On the brink of a crisis that threatened to escalate into conflict, North and South Korea recently reached an agreement on...
Authors: Baochang Gu, Renmin University, and Yan Che, SIPPR Regulating childbearing through contraception, particularly via modern contraceptives, revolutionised human reproduction in the 20th century. It is...
China made four high-profile foreign policy fumbles in March and the negative repercussions they engender may ultimately come back to harm the country's own interests.
The renewed fighting in Myanmar has drawn close to the Chinese border in the past week, and Chinese media are reporting that the government of neighboring...
Author: Peter Hayes, Nautilus Institute and RMIT In the wake of the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan, Korea — a tiny nation festooned with reactors in...